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What we do

Inclusively Down supports schools, settings, professionals and families through training, support packages and consultancy.


We offer consultation sessions to schools and settings to develop their knowledge and understanding of Down syndrome. This may include an observation of the child/young person followed by advice/recommendations and support for implementation. We also work alongside teachers and support staff modelling successful strategies to support children and young people with Down syndrome to access the curriculum. This could be subject specific or have a broader focus which covers the learning environment e.g. inclusion or behaviour, dependent on need. For more detail, please see ‘our services’.


Inclusively Down are also happy to offer individual support, consultation sessions, training and information to parents, families and other professionals.The team are willing to create and deliver bespoke support to meet individual requirements.Inclusively Down are based in Buckinghamshire but work Nationally across the UK. International enquiries are also welcome. Please contact us with your specific requirements

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